How to edit CSS and translate ?

Hi, i really like Vanilla forums, but I have a problem with one thing.

  1. How to edit CSS of Keystone template ?
  2. How to translate Vanilla forums




  • phreakphreak MVP
    edited December 2019

    Hi @Mark1,

    1. Edit the custom_*.css file you are using in the /VANILLA_ROOT/themes/keystone/design/ folder.
    2. Edit the language file in your /VANILLA_ROOT/locales/ (if there is none, place on there) OR create a locale.php file in your /VANILLA_ROOT/config/ including definitions by you like this: $Definition['New Discussion'] = 'New Debate';

    (Unfortunately I can not post example code with PHP brackets here, as the forum sends me a block warning if I do. Can we get rid of this, when someone posts code in code formatting, there shouldn’t appear a block warning.)

    Best regards,


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