Some Rich Editor issues/Questions

Helloouu Community... 😍

As mentioned before, I updated my Forum from 3.2 to 3.3 and swiched for the first Time since 2.6 to the Rich Editor...

Now I would like to address some questions, if I may:

  1. If I have more then 1 Line of Text in the Editor and would like to select ALL of them and make them Bold/Italic/Strike trough, the Popup window for that is not showing
  2. There are no emojis on Mobile devices? I can use them only if the built in keyboard of the phone offeres them?
  3. When animated GIFs are uploaded as Pictures, there are not working (still image)
  4. Signatures are somtimes giving an error " There was an error rendering this rich post." Editing is not possible, because there is no Edit window, when I want to edit teh Signature? Happening just in these Cases, where the error is shown. On other, working signatures, editor is shown.
  5. Can I customize the emojis, input own set? How?

Hope this is not too much... 😲😃

For Testing :

user: Vanilla

Pass: tastegood

Thank You in advance.. 😘


  • @Dr_Sommer Did you just give us spamming rights to your production website?

  • Yes, @donshakespeare ... 🤩

    And hopefully you and the Rest of the nice Vanilla PeopleZ are good Souls and will not do the Spammer... 😄😲😃👍️

    I still believe in the GOOD in HUMANS... 💖😊👍️

    So the only think is to watch out for some BAD, BAD GOATS... 😱


  • charrondevcharrondev Vanilla Staff

    If I have more then 1 Line of Text in the Editor and would like to select ALL of them and make them Bold/Italic/Strike trough, the Popup window for that is not showing

    Huh, I guess there isn't. I'd encourage you to file an issue over on our issue tracker for it.

    There are no emojis on Mobile devices? I can use them only if the built in keyboard of the phone offeres them?

    Can I customize the emojis, input own set? How?

    We did make the decision not to show the emoji keyboard. Do you know of any mobile platforms (actively in use/sold today) that don't ship with an emoji keyboard?

    As for the custom emojis, I've been thinking of doing custom stickers rather than emojis. They've really taken off with Facebook & iMessage.

    When animated GIFs are uploaded as Pictures, there are not working (still image)

    This a bug that we've already fixed in the latest cloud releases and master branches, but hasn't been fixed in the open source release. We've still got some blockers for the 4.0 release though that will need some time to resolve, so until then, I'd recommend copying the changes here into your local installation if you're looking to get the fix early.

    Signatures are somtimes giving an errorEditing is not possible, because there is no Edit window, when I want to edit the Signature? Happening just in these Cases, where the error is shown. On other, working signatures, editor is shown.

    Hmm, I've seen this one before, and manually fixed, but haven't been able to actually track it down (I think it has to do with the some misconfiguration that we need to try to prevent, but I don't exactly what it is yet).

    Would you be willing to share your site config (config.php)? PLEASE if you do please make sure to remove any database credentials or sensitive information. That includes the cookie salt. If you aren't sure, I'd recommend doing it through a private message.

  • Re: emojis, I just copy and paste from Works brilliantly, in titles, discussions, comments.. Even in branding!

  • We did make the decision not to show the emoji keyboard. Do you know of any mobile platforms (actively in use/sold today) that don't ship with an emoji keyboard?

    I actually missed that button several times from mobile and never thought about that emojis in the software keyboard 🤣

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited January 2020

    Great, Thank you, @charrondev 😘👍️

    1. I`ll file the 1st issue to Github.. 👍️.
    2. Emojis

    Aside of Users having the same Problem as RJ (everybody expects the same User experience as on PC and are searching for the Emoji List Button.. 😃):

    We have something like "Customized" Emojis, that everybody got used to it...


    Our Forum is Green, The Smilies are green, we also have a ton of them and we are in LOVE with them...

    Also they are really FUN...

    So if we use the Mobile Emojis, there not the same... and yellow... 😱😅

    If You make custom stickers, aren`t they also just animated GIFs? If yes, it would be great to make the Stickers exchangeable.. so I could put my Green Smilies instead...


    Here`s a Link to one of my Users having this error

    Just an Idea: It could be Signatures, that uses IMAGES inside, that are making trouble...


    Of course.. I`ll clean it up and send it to you as a PM👍️

    ThX for taking Time... 💓

    ps.: Not sure why everything is Bold...

  • charrondevcharrondev Vanilla Staff

    @Dr_Sommer I've fixed up the bold issue in you post and grabbed a copy of underlying comment. First time I've seen it, but I'll get it into the issue tracker and write a unit test for it.

  • As you mentioned the bold issue:

    Sometimes, when I Write in the Editor, its BOLD, despite that its not... 😄

    Here a Pic for better explanation:

    I`m using the BRAVE Browser... I`ll test it also on Vivaldi, Chrome and Firefox next Week... 👍️

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited January 2020

    Could somebody check this with me:

    Using V3.3, Firefox, Chrome, Brave:

    When Quoting a post, its not possible to shorten/edit it! I think this is necessary for longer quoted post to reduce it to the part, you like to quote.

    Also, longer quotes are not entirely shown in the editor, but have an inactive "open up arrow" at the bottom. Necessary to work, if editable... 😁

    If its not just me, I would post a requst on Github, Thx... 😘

  • Quoting is awkward with the Rich Editor since quoting is not quoting: it is embeding a resource. Just like you would embed an external link. I also like to answer to specific parts of a post. Now you have to

    1. select the text you like to quote
    2. copy it to the clipboard
    3. activate the editor window
    4. paste from clipboard
    5. select what you have pasted
    6. click on the paragraph formatting icon on the left
    7. choose the "quote" submenu
    8. think about which of the icons really means quote and click it
    9. add some "user XY said" to it to give it a reference
    10. depending on the order in which you have added step 9 and step 4: you have eventually return to the end of the quote

    That makes 9 - 10 steps you need to quote only a part of a post - how crazy...

    As a forum user I would expect that I have to do two steps: choose the text to quote, press "Quote". Simple and intuitive, not "rich" 😏

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited January 2020

    OMG, Yes please.... Embeding a Quote is not quoting, its linking... 😮

    Manually Quote: RJ Wrote:

    select the text you like to quote

    copy it to the clipboard

    activate the editor window

    paste from clipboard

    select what you have pasted

    click on the paragraph formatting icon on the left

    choose the "quote" submenu

    think about which of the icons really means quote and click it

    add some "user XY said" to it to give it a reference

    depending on the order in which you have added step 9 and step 4: you have eventually return to the end of the quote


    As for coincidence, one of my Users just now asked this question... 😃

    If I would answer him, he has to do this 10 steps.... he would come to visit me home with a Persuader 2000... 🤣🤣

  • "Kopier das doch einfach und formatier es als Zitat" - that's what I would tell him, hoping he doesn't think about it too long. Although this are 4 times more steps than you could expect, in the end it is quickly done faster than it sounds.

    That's not a reason to not make this work as expected! I agree that an embedded link and a quote are two different things. Which is quite obvious: it is easy to see that this is not the same:

    @Dr_Sommer said:

    Could somebody check this with me:

    Using V3.3, Firefox, Chrome, Brave:

    When Quoting a post, its not possible to shorten/edit it! I think this is necessary for longer quoted post to reduce it to the part, you like to quote.

    Also, longer quotes are not entirely shown in the editor, but have an inactive "open up arrow" at the bottom. Necessary to work, if editable... 😁

    If its not just me, I would post a requst on Github, Thx... 😘

  • @R_J :

    Are You using Rich Editor? As I remember, you had some reservations of the Format saved to the Database?

    I switched to Rich Editor, cause advanced Editor is not supported anymore wich is working, except for some minor stuff, Flawlessly ❤️

    I switched back to the advanced Editor for now...

    I LOVE the Embedding function of the Rich Editor, but for now I have to stick to the advanced Editor, till there are solutions for the Emojis and the Quoting, which is surely a Special case of Our Forum...

    ps.: There is also no way to put a Image with a Link, except over "insert Media" Button, wich will format the Images in the middle, ( I would like to have them right after the text, like these emojis... 😁👍️😎😘 )

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