Vanilla Porter fails when exporting Kunena Forum v 5.1.15

Hi there,
Has anyone got any insight into why my import of a Kunena Forum would fail with the following error:
SELECT u.*, case when ku.avatar <> '' then concat('kunena/avatars/', ku.avatar) else null end as
Photo, case u.usertype when 'superadministrator' then 1 else 0 end as admin, coalesce(ku.banned, 0) as banned, ku.birthdate, !ku.hideemail as showemail FROM btqhl_users u left join btqhl_kunena_users ku on ku.userid =;Array ( [0] => 42S22 [1] => 1054 [2] => Unknown column 'u.usertype' in 'field list' ) select t.*, 1 as Bookmarked from btqhl_kunena_subscriptions t;Array ( [0] => 42S02 [1] => 1146 [2] => Table 'vxqrugsyxe.btqhl_kunena_subscriptions' doesn't exist ) Error in webroot/vanilla2export.php line 1190: (2) urldecode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 4 given
Any help would be appreciated.
Based on the error message I assume that the exporter expects the existance of a table called "subscriptions" in your kunena forum and that this table cannot be found.
This means the porter is outdated. I re-wrote the entire kunena to vanilla porter.