Is there a way to integrate Vanilla in Wordpress without the dedicaced plugin?


I have a Vanilla forum on my blog who works wonderfuly with the plugin "Vanilla Forums".

But I find it a little slow to load because of the plugin, and moreover, when a visitor finds a topic in google, he finds the forum alone, without the blog integration.

So I wonder if there is a way to integrate it with coding instead of a separate plugin?

Thanks 🙂


  • Is your integration via iframe?

    If so, you can use JavaScript to force the iframe to never load except within its rightful parent ...

  • I don't know, I just use 'vanilla forums' plugin to display the forum inside the design of my blog... :)

  • You can embed the forum on any HTML. The plug-in just offers a GUI for tools and SSO.

    I doubt the plug-in is the reason it is slow. How do you know the plug-in is causing the slowness?

  • Do you know how I can embed the forum on HTML in Wordpress?

    I know the plugin causes slowness because the forum is much faster to load when I lauch the direct URL without clicking on the link in my Wordpress menu.

    Plus, I had to "exclude Vanilla script" in Autoptimize plugin. If I include it, the forum doesn't load at all.

    So I think the lack of optimization can cause slowness, but I'm not an expert 🙂

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