Gravatar - how to make it work?

mikerdsmikerds New
edited February 2020 in Vanilla 3.x Help

It is very strange, I enabled Gravatar but it shows me this (see above) for the existing posts that I restored from a backup (as sql script). Not sure about new users though.

When I enable "Enable Vanillicon icons as your default avatars" in the options, it shows Vanillicon avatars which I don't really like as I need something more serious/formal.

Can somebody help me?


  • Please check in the GDN_User table if this image is linked for the user in the column Photo. If yes, that's an explanation and you are stuck with it since the user has chosen to show that.

    But it is more likely that this is the default avatar showing for somebody who has no gravatar image. You can upload a new default here: /dashboard/settings/avatars

    Instead of uploading a default, you can enter a line like that into your /conf/config.php: $Configuration['Garden']['DefaultAvatar'] = ''; or $Configuration['Garden']['DefaultAvatar'] = ''; or whatever...

  • Thanks R_J! It looks like Photo is empty for those users. How can I make vanilla to show a Gavatar avatar instead of a default one?

  • Not used to Gravatar, but I understand that service as allowing you to save a photo and whereever another forum/cms/whatever has a Gravatar plugin, that plugin tries to match your mail address against the Gravatar database and show the corresponding Gravatar. If a user doesn't have saved a photo at Gravatar, a default picture is shown.

    So if you are using the same mail address in your forum as you have used at Gravatar, it should work out of the box. Doesn't it?

    Or in other words, Just because you see a default picture, that doesn't mean that the Gravatar plugin isn't working. It could simply mean that your users do not use Gravatar.

  • There are other service providers which show random avatars just like vanillicons (e.g. identicons). So you might be in search of some plugin like that?

  • I found this plugin "Avatar First Letter" which is exactly what I need, but it doesn't work for some reasons. I still see a default profile picture

  • here is plugin that I need:

    but I cannot make it work with vanilla 3.x. It still show me a default avatar for some reasons.

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