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Something's gone wrong

Hi, I just transferred my forum from a plesk server to a cpanel server via ftp and phpmyadmin, now I am getting something's gone wrong message.
When I enable debug I get this error.
Class 'Locale' not found
The error occurred on or near: /home/XXXXX/public_html/applications/dashboard/controllers/api/LocalesApiController.php
99: 100: $populate = function (array &$row, array $locales) { 101: $displayNames = []; 102: foreach ($locales as $locale) { 103: $displayName = \Locale::getDisplayLanguage($row["localeKey"], $locale); 104: 105: // Standardize capitalization 106: $displayName = mb_convert_case($displayName, MB_CASE_TITLE);
Have you deleted the contents of your /cache folder?
Yes, I have done that.
Could it be something to do with the paths being different?
Plesk is /var/www/domain/hhtpdocs/ or something
cpanel is /home/user/public_html/
The changed path is only a problem if the cache is not cleared.
Does the file exist or not? (/library/core/class.locale.php)
Yes, that file exists.
I have done a clean install and am getting the exact same error. So it must be the cpanel config. I have php7.3 and all the php extensions in the install instructions
Just a wild guess: is the intl extension also installed?
Yes, I came across a thread that mentioned that and installed it via command but it made no difference.
This user was having the same issue and installed intel fix and gd
Also make sure the option is checked in cpanel
Thanks for the help, I was able to install the international (itnl) extension via easyapache and all is well now.
Glad you got it going!!