How to Move "Announced" Discussions
I am new to Vanilla, and am in the midst of setting up a Forum for a group of elderly people who will not be able to meet during the COVID-19 crisis. I am using the latest Version 3.3.
Under one of the Categories I wish to pin three Discussions (and that number will grow) in a certain order, so that they stay at the top of the Category. I have discovered the Announce feature, but that does not allow me to change the order in which the Discussions appear under the Category heading if, for instance I wish to add other Announced discussions.
How can I alter the order of the Announced discussions, please?
PS. Great Software!
Hi, I am just a fellow user like yourself, not an expert but I think the easiest thing would be to unannounce your discussions then announce them in the order that you want as the latest will always be at the top.
Try Bump plugin
Thanks mirX. I've downloaded the addon. What next? How do I install it in Vanilla?
Thanks very much. That's got that sorted! Great stuff.