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[V3.3] PM error post-upgrade - how to fix utility/structure output?

Hi there,
Yesterday I completed an upgrade / server transfer for a forum that I'm hosting for some friends. We moved from Vanilla 2.1.9 (using PHP5.6) to Vanilla 3.3 (using PHP7.4). I have managed to get most things up and running and most things are working okay, but I am running into some issues around PMs working. They are throwing an error message that I believe is related to this utility/structure output I'm getting.
Is someone able to advise how I can fix these as the built in script doesn't seem to change these?
alter table `GDN_UserAuthenticationNonce` -- [Existing: `Timestamp` timestamp not null default current_timestamp, New: `Timestamp` timestamp not null] change `Timestamp` `Timestamp` timestamp not null; alter table `GDN_UserAuthenticationToken` -- [Existing: `Timestamp` timestamp not null default current_timestamp, New: `Timestamp` timestamp not null] change `Timestamp` `Timestamp` timestamp not null; update `GDN_User` `User` set `Permissions` = '' where `Permissions` <> ''; update `GDN_User` `User` set `Permissions` = '[]' where `UserID` = '2'; alter table `GDN_Conversation` add `Type` varchar(10) null after `ConversationID`, add `ForeignID` varchar(40) null after `Type`, -- [Existing: `Subject` varchar(100) null, New: `Subject` varchar(255) null] change `Subject` `Subject` varchar(255) null, -- [Existing: `Contributors` varchar(255) not null, New: `Contributors` varchar(255) null] change `Contributors` `Contributors` varchar(255) null, -- [Existing: `InsertIPAddress` varchar(39) null, New: `InsertIPAddress` varbinary(16) null] change `InsertIPAddress` `InsertIPAddress` varbinary(16) null, -- [Existing: `UpdateUserID` int null, New: `UpdateUserID` int not null] change `UpdateUserID` `UpdateUserID` int not null, -- [Existing: `DateUpdated` datetime null, New: `DateUpdated` datetime not null] change `DateUpdated` `DateUpdated` datetime not null, -- [Existing: `UpdateIPAddress` varchar(39) null, New: `UpdateIPAddress` varbinary(16) null] change `UpdateIPAddress` `UpdateIPAddress` varbinary(16) null, add `CountParticipants` int not null default 0 after `CountMessages`, character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci, convert to character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci; alter table `GDN_Conversation` add index IX_Conversation_Type (`Type`); alter table `GDN_UserConversation` character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci, convert to character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci; update `GDN_Conversation` `c` set `c`.`CountParticipants` = (select count(uc.ConversationID) from GDN_UserConversation uc where uc.ConversationID = c.ConversationID and uc.Deleted = 0); alter table `GDN_ConversationMessage` -- [Existing: `InsertIPAddress` varchar(39) null, New: `InsertIPAddress` varbinary(16) null] change `InsertIPAddress` `InsertIPAddress` varbinary(16) null, character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci, convert to character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci; insert `GDN_UserMeta` (`UserID`, `Name`, `Value`) values ('0', 'stubcontent.record.locale', 'en');
I only have limited sql experience so figured I'd check here before I just start playing around with the database directly.
Weird that utility structure doesn't work. I would try to go to the /dashboard/settings/applications and disable the Conversations addon and re-enable it
Well, turning it off does remove the errors from the utility/structure !
Unfortunately it also doesn't turn back on. When trying to re-enable the Conversations application it gives the following error:
Data truncated for column 'UpdateUserID' at row 1
Any suggestions on how to fix this now?
Okay, I managed to figure this one out. The messages around GDN_Conversation were around the default system DM that was sent to me when I first set up the old forums. I just had to change a bunch of fields from null to an appropriate value (as per the original messages).
Looking at the remaining errors, I've had a bit of a look but am not sure on a few things.
This is poorly designed : those messages will never disappear and there is no hint about that anywhere...