Bug with SSO : Photo is 560 characters too long

Hi all,

we had a user that used a pdf as an image in his google-profile-picture.

when he tried to login he got the error:

" Photo is 560 characters too long "

and that blocks his login.

Where can I change the code (I want to change it so it just ignores the picture)



  • R_JR_J Admin

    Better write a plugin which corrects that behavior instead of changing the code in the plugin.

    public function base_afterConnection_handler($sender, $args) {
        if ($args['Provider' != 'googlesignin') {
        if ($args['User']->Photo = check here for that pdf rubbish) {
            $userModel = GDN::getContainer()->get(ConversationModel::class));
            $userModel->setField($args['User']->UserID, 'Photo', '');

    Plugins are run in alphabetical order. So if you name your plugin fix-googlesignin, it wouldn't work. But you should be able to take influence on the priority in which plugins are run. As you can read in the documentation, the normal plugins have a priority of 100. If you give that plugin a priority of 101 (theoretically) you should be able to name any way you want...

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