Errors while importing from SMF

I'm trying to import a SMF 2.0.17 to Vanilla 3.3. The export file was generated without errors using the Vanilla Porter, but when importing I get an error on Load User Table:
Incorrect string value: '\xEDac' for column `vanilla`.`gdn_zuser`.`Name` at row 6
Thank you in advance!
Sorry for double posting. I was able to get past the first error by deleting all members. Not the most ideal solution, but preserving the topics and posts are the main goal. However got a new error:
That first error should be solvable: one of your users has an unusual character in his user name. With the right tool you would be able to find that username and change it for the import. With Notepad++ you could search in the import file for \xEDAC (with "Regular Expressions" ticked) and change it.
The next problem might be somewhat more complex. The categories cannot be imported because at least one of the categories doesn't have a value in the row "ParentCategoryID". If you edit the import file and manage at which point you need to change it, you can insert "-1" to fix the error. If you feel unsure, just paste the part dealing with the categories from the import file here and we might be able to support.
Thank you!
There was indeed a user with unusual characters in their user name.
For the next error, I'm unsure if this is the code part? It continues like that with just changing board names.
Thank you in advance.
That's the correct place to look at.
You see the column names: CategoryID (type integer), Name (varchar), Description (varchar), ParentCategoryID (integer)...
So the ParentCategoryID is the forth:
in your export file. Replace it with"-1"
- yes, try using a string and only if that fails try it as a number-1.
You certainly need to do that for every of your categories.Thank you a lot! Will try it as soon as I'm back
It seems to have worked, thank you. I got a new error though:
There is a discussion with strange characters in it - the same problem as with the user name. Try to use e.g. Notepad++ to change the import file
I should've realised, the errors are very similar. However in this case nothing comes up when searching.
Edit: something comes up when searching only part of it, I'll try with changing those and see what happens.
Just search for one hex number. The above screenshot shows \xF3ch/O\xFA...
The hex number is the four alphanumeric part after "\x" = "\xF3ch" is on hex xharacter. the "O/" is just some string and "\xFA..." is obviously something abbreviated. Just search for the only meaningful thing here: "F3ch" (as a hex number)
Oh okay. Thank you :) Sorry nothing of this makes sense to me, but I'm trying. Thank you for your patience.
Edit: unfortunately nothing comes up searching for F3ch, or any other part of it, tried in case.
Get yourself Notepad++ and search for \xf3ch like that:
Thanks again for you patience. I've tried it, but oddly enough there's nothing. Mine's in Swedish, but you can see the red text. There should be something there since the error says so, but it doesn't find anything.
It's probably me doing things wrong. Originally I had some search results, but the error remains so perhaps I'm editing it the wrong way. It looked like this in the beginning:
I removed all the text that was high lighted in grey and also tried changing to a normal "o", but neither solutions passes the error and then there are no more search results.
Alternatively I suppose I could try to edit those characters out of the forum before making an export.
Triple post sorry!
We decided to give up because there's lots of unusual characters in user names and posts and edit them doesn't feel like a good solution in the end for those users. We'll just paste in our most important topics and posts into the new forum instead.
Thank you for your help and patience though!