Category name and slug migration and replication from vanilla forum to wordpress - please!

selfawareselfaware New
edited May 2020 in Vanilla 3.x Help

Hello all,

Has anyone devised an automated way of replicating category names with their respective url slugs from vanilla forum to wordpress?

Since the vanilla forum plugin in wordpress can match based on like category names, along with its respective url slug name, perhaps the plugin could be modified to provide an import feature into wordpress that would automatically replicate all the category names along with their respective url slug names from vanilla forum to wordpress!

i was playing around with the category matching feature of vanilla plug in for wordpress, based on

having two sub categories, both called baseball:

test1 (parent category)

  • baseball (sub category) - slug name = test1-same

test2 (parent category)

. baseball (sub category) - slug name = test2-same

It was great to see that this actually works, but it would be even nicer, if I didn't have to manually replicate all the categories and their respective url slug names in wordpress.

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