Github : stale

KasparKaspar ✭✭✭

It was marked as a bug.

Due to no activity it is now closed.

Am I to understand that it will not be fixed?


  • R_JR_J Admin

    I've asked a similar question on GitHub and @charrondev gave a very insightful and detailed answer:

    The most important takeaway from that answer:

    Closed issues

    All it takes to "save" an issue is to leave any comment on the issue. It could just be "Still relevant" or "I still care about this".

    From a stressed developer point of view I can understand the comfort such a bot offers: if you have too few resources, you have to focus on the urgent cases. And if there is an issue and no one protests if it is closed, it obviously isn't urgent (and hopefully doesn't even exist any more). Automate the process of closing issues and you have saved even more time.

    From all other point of views, that looks like ignorance. Setting up an ignore bot feels to me like indifference.

    My personal opinion on that bot is that it is a coffin nail for user feedback. It is highly demotivating for me. Every time I get a notification that stale bot closed one of my issues, it feels like "This is one of many issues no one cares to think about. Better forget it, we've already did so"

    And moreover: in the past I said to people complaining about problems here in the forum, they should open a ticket on GitHub. If the most common reaction to opening a ticket is that it gets closed by eager beaver Stale Bot, I will not be the one sending them into that frustration.

    P.S.: On the other hand: there are some issues flagged with "good first contribution" and I'm also disappointed that no one from this community takes the challenge to fix some of those minor issues. I find it very satisfying to see my GitHub avatar on top of a file showing, that I have contributed to that software! Everyone should try that, I'd say.

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭


    Totally agree

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