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In Advanced Editor-Preview fails to render Math symboles whereas page wins.

I am using Vanilla 3.3 with Advanced Editor and Mathjax, there is no issues with the rendering part on the pages but mathjax plugin does not able to render the math symboles in the preview part of the Advance editior, I am wondering with this part how to fix it so that, one'll bw able to get the Preview of the math symboles before they made a final submition of a topic.


  • R_JR_J Admin

    There is a part in the plugin which looks as if this should work:

    jQuery('form').on('PreviewLoaded', function() {
       MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub]);

    So you would have to do some research why this is not happening.

  • @R_J Well I'll try to figureout the problem..

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