Move Panels from Sidebar to Center Panel

edited May 2020 in Vanilla 3.x Help

Hi all,

I'd like to know how I can move both the Categories Panel and the Popular Tags Panel from the Sidebar to the Center Panel.

I have a lot of Categories, and this extends the Sidebar down the page too far.

Any help would be appreciated.




  • R_JR_J Admin

    You need a plugin or a custom theme which implements two methods: one for removing those two modules from the panel and one for adding them to the content:

       public function base_beforeRenderAsset_handler($sender, $args) {
           if (!$args['AssetName'] == 'Panel') {
           if (array_key_exists(
           )) {
           if (array_key_exists(
           )) {
       public function base_render_before($sender, $args) {
           if ($sender->MasterView == 'admin') {
           $sender->addModule('CategoriesModule', 'Content');
           $sender->addModule('TagModule', 'Content');

    Some additional styling would be needed, I guess

  • Sounds complicated. I think I'll leave it.

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