Rich Text and BBCode

Hi all,
I much prefer the Rich Text editor, but our forum maintains relationships with other forums, and they prefer to copy and paste their updates to our forums using BBcode which doesn't work on our forum with Rich Text turned on.
Whenever I create a post with bbcode, it doesn't work. Oddly, if I change the config.php to toggle bbocde on and rich text off, and then post using bbcode, and then switch back to rich text, the bbcode-formatted text remains. So obviously the coding supports bbcode I just feel like I'm missing something incredibly obvious to allow bbcode input but a search on here and Google was fruitless.
Any help/suggestions?
It contain format of 'old' posts (posts made without Rich will stay in the format they got posted in).
Pretty sure I have seen it described something like that.
Can only find this right now
"When you edit old posts, it will continue to use Advanced Editor. We do not yet support the automatic conversion of old posts to the new format."
Don't have any suggestions, sry.
Maybe someone else have.