You need to give a special permission to the role. So start in the dashboard with the permissions. It is called something with advanced notifications. After that users can opt in on a category basis.
That doesn't scale well on big forums with many users using that feature
Do some research in that discussion and in the discussion referenced there. In short: you can set default values in the config, but anybody who has changed any notification preference before will not use that default values. Instead of starting to send mails that your forum never sent before (which could be seen as spam by some of your users), I would recommend to write an announcement or a message with a hint to that "new feature"
i see. My goal in the activation of notifying using mail (in the specific category) is to increase the active users. Many of our users not engaging or ignoring the forum site. I think using mail some of then will remind to open their account.
and you're right in here "(which could be seen as spam by some of your users)" that's why just in case, i will activate that in the category of news and updates.
You need to give a special permission to the role. So start in the dashboard with the permissions. It is called something with advanced notifications. After that users can opt in on a category basis.
That doesn't scale well on big forums with many users using that feature
Great! I have been selected that permission in every roles. but still not activated. There's a way to set a global default settings for that?
Im looking for every members will received a email when someone post in the several categories.
Thank you @R_J
Do some research in that discussion and in the discussion referenced there. In short: you can set default values in the config, but anybody who has changed any notification preference before will not use that default values. Instead of starting to send mails that your forum never sent before (which could be seen as spam by some of your users), I would recommend to write an announcement or a message with a hint to that "new feature"
i see. My goal in the activation of notifying using mail (in the specific category) is to increase the active users. Many of our users not engaging or ignoring the forum site. I think using mail some of then will remind to open their account.
and you're right in here "(which could be seen as spam by some of your users)" that's why just in case, i will activate that in the category of news and updates.
Thank you for your time @R_J