Any way to use $Configuration variables in locale.php $Definition assignments?

[Vanilla 3.3]
TL;DR: If I have $Configuration['Garden']['Foo'] = 'Bar'
in my config.php, and I want to set $Definition['Something'] = 'Something Something Bar Something'
in my locale.php, is there a way to make Bar
come from the $Configuration
setting rather than hardcoding it?
In detail:
I'm trying to change my registration form to link to my Privacy Policy as well as my Terms of Service. Thanks to other forum posts I've found here, I'm doing that by setting a $Definition
in my conf/locale.php
rather than editing stuff in applications/dashboard/views/
Ideally, I'd like to set this up with a configuration variable analogous to $Configuration['Garden']['TermsOfService']
so I can keep my registration URLs in a single place - say, $Configuration['Garden']['PrivacyPolicy']
But I haven't been able to figure out how I'd access such a variable in my $Definition
- The TOS configuration variable is included via %s; I can't use that without changing the view directly.
- This comment and the one below it imply I should be able to use something like , but I haven't been able to get that to work, and searching hasn't gotten me anywhere.
Any advice?
One terribly ugly way would be to use php code in the locale file:
if !isset $Configuration include config.php
$tos = "bla bla bla {$Configuration['What']['Ever']}";
unset $Configuration
The cleaner approach would be a "Update TOS" plugin:
The plugin provides simple text area for the TOS
That text will be saved to the UserMeta table
It will be processed with sprintf and the urls
The resulting TOS will be saved to the locale file
ALthough such a plugin would be very easy to write, I doubt it's worth the effort. Why don't you do that manually? Do you change those urls often?
Thanks for the reply!
I've done it manually, but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing an entire system of how things worked / ought to be done in Vanilla - the comment I failed to link to ( seemed to imply that there was a simple and correct way to do it, but I neither understood that way nor could I get it to work with some simple experimentation.
(I'm still in the learning stage where I don't know what I don't know, if that makes sense?)
Just practice asking. You'll quickly learn what to for ;-)