edit font size on mobile template

Im using version 3.3 of vanilla

all I want to do is increase the size of the font on the mobile template and

I cant remember the last time something so simple was so damn frustrating and such a big pain in the a**

Im using boilerplate as the mobile theme (gopi as the full size theme) and so far its simply been a frustrating timesuck ... (please dont go tell my to go learn this or that Im not trying to be a coder nor do I want to spend 20 hours writing a custom template..)

I just want to make a few simple changes... I have an acceptable understanding of css and html and Im an end user..not looking to reinvent the wheel here just change the font size.

ps... also willing to buy a mobile template (the existing options arent that great) but cant really find anything

suggestions on where I can find something?


  • I think the only way to do it is to add some custom CSS, but I could be wrong. There might be some plugin too for it, but not checked.

    For the CSS you can add it to the custom.css file for the theme, but since you're only making a small change the CSSEdit plugin might be best and it has a button to enable on mobile too.

    Since you only want the change on smaller sceens you could use media query, the code would look something like this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {

       p {

       font-size: 1.063rem;



    (without all these spaces that appear because there's no normal line break on here...)

    You can set the max width to any desired width when you want it to take effect. You could swap out p for html, body if you want it to apply to everything.

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