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data-vocabulary.org schema deprecated (optional) in Google Search Console

I've tried to inspect forum's discussions in Vanilla Forum, so that it could get ranked. But the problem is poping up continuously in each and every discussion that the last element of breadcrumb (Home>Physics) is showing an bradcrumb URL. So that I wanna change my breadcrumbs into something like this: (Home>Physics>Discussion_Title) . Help me what to do.
This is just a deprecation warning, you can ignore it. There is no need to change the breadcrumbs.
The next version will use schema.org instead of data-vocabulary.org:
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@Bleistivt will it hamper the SEO
Not really, it just means the bradcrumbs won't be included in Google search results.
My themes: pure | minusbaseline - My plugins: CSSedit | HTMLedit | InfiniteScroll | BirthdayModule | [all] - PM me about customizations
VanillaSkins.com - Plugins, Themes and Graphics for Vanillaforums OS
It thought I was an issue.
@Bleistivt It is causing issues. Due to this issue our discussion in our forum isn't being ranked. study.webmatrices.com is our forum. Please check the issue here.
Hi @bishwasbh i have the same problem. @Bleistivt can we help?.
Structured data schema such as schema.org and data-vocabulary.org are used to define shared meaningful structures for markup-based applications on the Web.
With the increasing usage and popularity of schema.org we decided to focus our development on a single SD scheme.
SIMPLE & SHORT meaning: - Google stopped to use the data-vocabulary markups [aka RDFa] - So, we need to change our websites to Schema.org markups.
Ref: https://vvcares.com/blog/post/data-vocabulary-schema-deprecated