Is there any SEO Manager plugin or application in Vanilla Forum? Like: Yoast SEO is in wordpress.

Isn't there any SEO Manager in Vanilla Forum to manage the SEO of our forum. I really need the soulution please help me.

Suggestion will be hugely appreciated.


  • There is no all in one plugin. We have a CSS Minification plugin here on Vanillaskins that wraps the design files of all extensions into one. That really helps to reduce server requests.

    We also have a Javascript Minification plugin. It‘s not in the shop yet. As JS is somewhat experimental to that. Especially Vanillaforums Javacript lays a heavy load onto pages. Let me know if you need it.

    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • Hi, @phreak

    Such a plugin would be very useful, imho.

  • phreakphreak MVP
    edited August 2020

    @labastro: I am not sure. Vanilla is not too bad by default. OnPage SEO ist mostly good old craftmanship on the theme (optimizing), with Google Search Console, doing your competitor research, fixing broken links and so forth. Alongside with our two plugins that‘d be mostly what can be done.

    I am in SEO for 15 years. Anybody in need of an page audit and help fixing issues, let me know (paid).

    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • I was talking about the javascript minification plugin. For this purpose, I am currently using PageSpeed module.

    However, I could see a SEO problem: meta descriptions and meta titles are the same on all topics list pages (/categories/***/p2, /categories/***/p3, etc.).

    Otherwise, I did not find a good sitemap plugin that lists all the discussions. It would be very useful with Google search console (to track indexed pages).

    Have a nice day!

  • I want to in the next version are user can be changed url address with new post

    Because When i make a new post with tittle not English. The url will become ACCII code and i don't know how to change it

  • It's a great question you've got. While Vanilla Forum doesn't have a plugin quite like Yoast SEO in WordPress, there are certainly ways to optimize your SEO within the platform.

  • There is no plugin in vanilla forum

  • If there's no plugin, then one option is to use custom meta tags and optimize your forum's content with things like title tags, meta descriptions, and sitemaps.

  • You might also want to check out tools for tracking the performance of your content, like, which can help you identify SEO issues and optimize your pages for better rankings. These solutions can be a bit hands-on, but they can make a significant difference for your forum's visibility.

  • Vanilla Forum doesn't have a direct equivalent to Yoast SEO, but it offers some SEO-related features, such as customizable meta tags and URL structure. Additionally, some third-party plugins and integrations can enhance SEO functionality.

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