What's wrong with my site?

I recently visited one of my websites and was shocked to see what I saw. One day it said "something went wrong" a message from Vanilla script, the one with the face icon. Thought, I'll get around to fixing it when I can. Went back today and it's gotten worse.
I am not blaming Vanilla script at all, I know it has to be my cheap host, maybe not securing their servers? They've had problems in the past with "intruders" lets just say. I contacted the host and they said they can fix it from a backup that would be from a year ago and that it would also set ALL my 9 websites on the host back a year too. I said no, I cant afford for all sites to be reset from a year ago. Does that sound right about setting the sites back that far?
Anyway, for any webmasters or the great folks that build Vanilla (my favorite forum script BTW), could have a look and tell me what you think happened?
The website is: coronavirustalk (dot) xyz
I also got this error when upgrading my forum from 3.2 to 3.3.
I'm using a shared hosting. So, there is no way for me to install php-intl.
I commented the line #103 of the
And then, added this line after the commented line.
$displayName = "English";
This fixed the issue. 🙂
To debug your something's went wrong page add $Configuration['Debug'] = true; to your /conf/config.php file and refresh the page.
The website is: coronavirustalk (dot) xyz
If you restored the site from a year ago, the Coronavirus would not exist.
Always better to make your own (regular) backups and download them to your PC
Thank you Emiko very much. That got my site back. I now have debug trace codes at the bottom of my forums main page. If you could have a look.
The forum was installed by Softaculous and it recently said the forum was updated. I wonder of it was Softaculous that caused this?
Anyway, should I do what you say now ianw5555.... add $Configuration['Debug'] = true; to your /conf/config.php file and refresh the page.
Let me know. Thanks to both of you.
coronavirustalk . xyz
If that sorted it, then like @emiko you do not have php-intl extension installed on your server (the debug would have confirmed this). Your options are to contact your host about the extension, try another host or settle for @emiko's fix
I'm just about ready to leave the host I'm with. I just went to cPanel at the host and see that "intl" IS check marked. Hmmmm