@Mentions function not working correctly when there are users with same username.
I'm using Vanilla 3.3 with rich editor.
As the post title says, the @mention function is not working correctly when there are users with the same usernames, it picks a random user from the list.
I'm using Jsconnect plugin to connect my website users to the Vanilla forum, the Jsconnect inserts customer's name as usernames to create the account when the website users first visit the forum, and obliviously there are many customers with the same name. I don't want to turn on the unique username option as that adds an extra step to create the account on the forum.
I had submitted an issue on Github about a year ago, but that hasn't been resolved yet, I hope the awesome Vanilla developers will fix it in the next release.
Meanwhile, is there anyone who could help to solve this issue? I think using user IDs instead of the usernames may solve the problem? I'm not a developer, so I can only guess what might work 😁
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards