Mass Media Mind Manipulation

This discussion was created from comments split from: Brainstorming on the sense of a OS powered community forum.


  • ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021

    No, actually media talk about forum desertion ?

    And you argument make no sense. Of course forums can be adapted as mobile. This was just waaaayyyy too late compared to social network.

  • ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021

    You're gone wayyy too far in what you beleive but actually no it still makes no sense.

    It is profitable for google to put good results outsider their advertisement space. No one really knows the page tank algorithm, but it is really efficient.

    And as I seen many times most "seo friendly" adaptations are simply trash. I almost always find the content I searched for. Yup, content. That's what's important for page rank. But when Facebook and Twitter for exemple got popular, they both (first twitter) got well made mobile versions of their websites. They just got it right. At start, they weren't the huge corporations we know today. They were already growing, but it because users started to prefer mobile friendly stuff that Google and other engines followed.

    They are designed to search meaning full content. Yes, they do some shady stuff in the background, but actually, not really on the search engine part, it is efficient and that's why the largest user base is still Google. They got it right. Google started Small in 1998.

    Also, I never heard medias talking about forums, or a such kind of commiunity 😅

    W are now way too off topic. I think that's a discussion for another place.

    EDIT: That last words i had with @vanilla13 are really offtopic. I feel like it should be moved or deleted.

  • I rename this discussion to anything you like, but I missed the point competely in this talk

  • ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021

    According to what @vanilla13 said I think this title fits perfectly 🤣but yes, forums can be mobile friendly, for Vanilla forums the MinisBaseline theme is a great exemple.

    And not only for Vanilla, esoTalk was a success for users while being mobile first. It just had to be rewritten because the core was flawed, but UI was a success.

  • ✭✭✭

    Maybe some more Rich Editor madness 🤣

  • ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021

    I still like BBCode but it's only because I'm used to it. Markdown is cool, but I like WYSIWYG editing. And WYSIWYG with Markdown in the back is possible, flarum. Would be cool because you could edit the source yourself. I thought Rich would be based off Markdown but nope, that's an entire format that can't be converted back into a classic one.

  • I agree that Markdown is faster to write. What I miss in Markdown are text sizing and coloring options. Yes, you can use HTML, but what looks more natural?

    **<span style="blue">BoldAndColored</span>**

    But I still would favour Markdown

  • ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021

    Yes of course ^^ But what I miss in BBCode is tables, some implementations do exists but they are faster (and standard) to do in markdown.

    And @vanilla13 I'm into letting users choose. Let, by default, a WYSIWYG editor, and let advanced user toggle to "code mode". Actually, Advanced Editor bundled with Vanilla do "WYSIWYG" but using simple html in backend. And users can toggle.

  • ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021

    Ahhhhhhhhhh what are you talking about ? I speak about using markdown in the backend but with an editor that can both write in WYSIWYG mode or markdown mode. But the inputs are the same. And simple html is not pure html thought. So yet it is secure.

    Color and sizing can be useful in some cases, but may need some control. So why not a controlled color palete and size options ? That's also possible in markdown, bbcode....

    And I can do some sizing here aswell

    But that's why we make forum rules, and "hire" moderators. People must have some freedom.

  • by the way: I love how that editor handles Markdown:

    It's a wonderful compromise between pureness and preview

  • In a forum where you want to be creative and have fun, font styling is a big win 😎 If the format is html and you allow just a defined list of classes and only for span tags, that's not a security problem at all. Combined with a WYSIWYG editor where those formattings are in a dropdown list, it's even usable combined with Markdown ;-)

  • ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021

    If you think that allowing simple html should not be an option because of security never open an interactive website. Because the same flaws goes for every format you can think of.

    That's why we update stuff actually. for security.

  • Admin
    edited January 2021

    If you exclude features with "you can face specific bug", you might not even want to present a static site because visitors might find a specific bug in the web server, which is a totally realistic threat.

  • ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021

    Exactly. That's what we call the Danger of "But Sometimes". You can't do anything at all because everything can and will brake. If it is not safe to use Windows XP anymore, it is not because age created security holes. But because time passed, security holes are found, and not fixed anymore.

    Everything have holes. Developpers must work to fix them when they are found, and hacker must workaround the fix. That's it. That were always it, and will always be.

  • ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021

    It is dangerous to use obsolete software in many ways. Windows XP is still being updated by microsoft for corporations, but consumer versions of Windows XP are unsafe with a lot of security holes.

    But anyway. Simple HTML is no different from BBCode or Markdown because it still needs to be parsed. Once you can select what the user can do, there is no difference.

    And "I have some ex friends working at microsoft" means nothing. I won't trust you to keep my data safe. Clearly.

    I'm gonna stop there with you. I don't want to waste more of my time on this topic trying again to explain basic things to someone that will only not care and say stuff that's not logical in any way.

    Edit; this discussion kinda gone crazy....

  • Interesting, but this fails to make a convincing argument for any goodwill towards independent online forums on the part of the Data Mining, daaaaah, I mean, Social Media tycoons.

    We have every reason to believe they want to erode forums from the network, especially since there is a precedent for this with the bulldozing of Geocities and the qurantining of Usenet.

  • By tailoring editors to people who are new to forum you make it nice, but you hurt most content creators.

    @vanilla13 this statement is very applicable here. The Rich Editor has prevented me from creating any code tutorials to share. I have lost many posts here, unbelievable! And the idea of pre-composing and then posting here was even a nightmare.

  • This forum is made for giving software support, not for spreading hatred. I close this discussion and delete the last comment

This discussion has been closed.