Rich Editor advice

Hi !
Just installed v3.3 with the rich editor. (Actually- this was an upgrade from Vanilla v2.6.3 which previously used the FileUpload plugin).
There's a couple things...
- When typing in the rich text box inside code tags, the cursor seems to jump to the top if I pause for a second or two, and it seems also when the Drafts auto-save occurs. (I mean, cursor jumps to the start of the code block, and the little code icon </> on the left flickers a lot, like it's trying to move).
- FileUpload when enabled seems to break the drag/drop file upload in rich text box. I'd prefer to disable it, but the URL's in the old forum database don't work then- the translation from the actual image folder to the /discussions/download/xx/xxxx url that FileUpload uses.
The question for 1)... is that expected? is there a timeout setting we could increase, before the code block cursor jumps to the start of the code?
and 2)... is there some way to use fileupload media without that plugin? Maybe a url handler or some sort of bulk rename script?
Testing the code...
`inline block` doesn't get detected with a space between the words
works ok when a single word
thing(); yeah cursor jumped to here, as I was typing int DoSome! block code jumps here too that's interesting. (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) cursor is about to jump to the top.... @123 #define someId int DoSome
ok, so it's not just my install. Same behavior here. Maybe it's the Chrome browser... I tried in Incognito, but the same.
Any tips?
there's not been any updates to 3.3 since it came out over a year ago so bugs have not been getting fixed. A lot of people complain about the rich editor.
I think there is big changes to it in 4.0 which is hopefully due out soon, see here.
Thanks @ianw5555
I'll keep an eye for the new release. Wasn't sure if I was going mad or not :)
As for FileUpload.... that resolved itself with the update to v.1.9.2:
Previously I had the v1.9.1 version installed, so that was a simple fix!
As @ianw5555 said, Rich Editor will have some bug fixes in the next release (4.0).
You could try with the Rich Editor provided in the 4.0rc1 that you can download as a plugin here:
but as always, be careful that's theorically stable, but has to be verified.
Or you can use AdvancedEditor who's stable, have a great WYSIWYG mode, or other format options such as BBCode or Markdown.