Several questions about how to print logs in both application and plugin.

I found myself struggling at printing log while developing the code.
I have set below to true
$Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['LogEnabled'] = TRUE; $Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['LogFile'] = 'log/error_log';
However, I examine both the vanilla and vanilla-docker folders and can't find the log file. Anyone know where does the error_log file locate? Or maybe I did something wrong?
AFAIK, Logger::debug() can not be used in plugin. May I know what is the recommended way to print log in the plugin?
Appreciate any information. Thanks.
i put this and log file is in the vanilla root folder
Thanks, @pioc34 ! As you pointed out, I can see the log printed in the vanilla.log file. I appreciate it very much!!
With regards to the Plugins, do you have any idea of how to print logs or show debug message in Plugin while the application is running? I tried to utilise "errorLog()", which is working in the application, but not working in Plugin. I can't see any log printing out.
Any direction or hint would be really appreciated. Thanks!
Welcome new Vanilla-developer! 😃
Not sure about the problems with the Logger class, but I would use the helper function logMessage as it is described here:
logMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, get_class($this), __METHOD__, 'YEAH', 'Whatever');
This is the docblock describing the parameters: