Windows Dev Environment


Anyone have any resources that can help with setting up the project on a windows environment for development?

Having issues getting the frontend assets to build. The compilation process fails complaining about "cannot use import statement outside a module". I tried resolving this with suggestions from StackOverflow but this leasts to node not playing nicely with the TS files.

In addition to this, I tried compiling the build scripts manually with npx tsc. This works fine but I still cannot execute the build script with node.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated


  • R_JR_J Admin

    I wouldn't bother trying to get this running directly under Windows. Windows provides the "Windows Subsystem for Linux" which you need to enable (search the net for "enable wsl 2") and after that you can install a "small" debian on your Windows machine. That debian shell will be accessible like a normal command prompt in Windows. In the end using all those build tools under Linux is more enjoyable.

  • I've also tried and no it doesn't work, it's easy to compile the SASS but the whole front-end build system doesn't work. I have tried @R_J method with a different project completely unrelated and I could not get the Windows Sub System to work as I expected it to, granted I gave up as it was a time suck!

    I would like to get Vanilla working properly though.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    @SiCo if you just want to get Vanilla working properly, you can grab a prebuilt release.

  • SiCoSiCo New
    edited March 2021

    Yes thank you, sorry it’s my phrasing. I have Vanilla working and have just converted my old PunBB forum over. I just hoped I could get the theming system working from scratch but I’ve made do with copying Keystone.

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