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jsConnect SSO using node js

I'm trying write jsConnect SSO using node js

Authentication URL - Angular website page, on the page load calling Node API to generate JWT token.


  1. When user logins to our domain and try connect to forum (/sso) - its redirecting to jsconnect error page. When we are testing authenticate url in pulgin 'test url' in jsConnect pulgin - Its appending below query params. v=2&client_id=339177843&ip= Could you please help me on resolving this issue?


  • Go step by step, I'd say. You've got currently some other problems during the normal usage. If they are resolved, you could take a look at the more advanced topics, but before that you will have a hard time to debug this problem

  • Could you please provide me the steps?

    My requirement:

    The user has to auto login using my website forum.

    1. We will have links to forum on our website - When the user clicks on the link, it should land on the forum page without asking login.
  • As I've said above: you've got other things to clean up first.

    I asked four questions in that other discussion and you gave one answer. You need to provide more information before someone will be able to help

  • When user hits on "/sso" from our website, Its redirecting to "/entry/jsconnect/error". I have attached js console errors.

  • global.js?v=3.3:838 Uncaught TypeError: jQuery.ajax is not a function

      at Object.gdn.stats (global.js?v=3.3:838)

      at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (global.js?v=3.3:856)

      at c (jquery.js?v=3.3:4)

      at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?v=3.3:4)

      at Function.ready (jquery.js?v=3.3:4)

      at HTMLDocument.q (jquery.js?v=3.3:4)

    gdn.stats @ global.js?v=3.3:838

    (anonymous) @ global.js?v=3.3:856

    c @ jquery.js?v=3.3:4

    fireWith @ jquery.js?v=3.3:4

    ready @ jquery.js?v=3.3:4

    q @ jquery.js?v=3.3:4

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