Disscussions dissapears after user loged in. only admin can see the articles



  • Okay give me a bit to compare that to my install. It looks right but I just want to make sure

  • @MrCaspan ok thank you

  • Honestly it looks like you are running at the proper MySQL modules to correct this issue. I cant see anything different then I have for my setup that corrected the issue. I would reach out to your Hosting provider and explain to them the issue that the values are stored in the database as INT values and you are using the ND modules to correct a bug in MySQL 7.4 that it returns them as strings. This problem is corrected in MySQL 8 but unless your provider can migrate you to MySQL 8 on a different host you will have to solve the issue if why your MySQL is not returning INT values to PHP

  • @MrCaspan I contacted the hosting. I will let know the progress. Thank you very much for your valuable help.

  • Just experienced the very same problem.

    This fixed it for me

    Thank you

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