How to get values from vanilla


I'm new to Vanilla and have not much idea how it works under the hood.

We are assigned a task to fetch some values and store them in a json code.

I'm pasting the code below, we are supposed to fill the actual data for placeholders like '<brand>', '<country>' etc.

I was able to get some user data using getCurrentUser. I tried getCurrentPage  and getCurrentPost but got "function not defined" error.

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];

    dataLayer.push({ page_data: null });  // Clear the previous event_data object.


       event: 'page_view',

       page_data: {

        brand: '<brand>',

         country: '<country>',

        language: '<language>',

        destination_URL: '<destinationURL>',

        page_category: '<page_category>',

        page_subcategory: '<pageSubCategory1>',

        page_location: '<page_location>',

        page_referrer: '<page_referrer>',

        page_title: '<page_title>',

        page_type: '<pageType>',

        region: '<region>',

        site_section: '<site_section>',

        system_environment: '<sysEnv>',

        experience_type: '<experienceType>'


       user_data: {

        user_id: userID,

        user_login_state: '<user_login_state>',

        user_type: userType,




Kindly, help me to get the information or if there is some documentation then point me in that direction.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you all

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