Cannot embed images nor upload files

I recently upgraded Vanilla Forums to 2021.009 and can no longer insert images nor attach files to posts. It says "Request Failed with status code 500." (consoler error message = Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error))
Then today I had to create a brand new forum "off the shelf" so to speak for another project and there too it's not possible to insert images nor attach files in posts. It says "Request failed with status code 404" (console error message= Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found))
I can't imagine this is an issue with Vanilla Forums so it must be something wrong on my end.
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I use cPanel/WHM. Both Forums are installed in subdomains.
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I added the following lines to config.php but that did not help:
$Configuration['Garden']['RewriteUrls'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['Garden']['Upload']['MaxFileSize']= '8M';
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Changing folder permissions for /conf, /cache, and /upload from 755 to 777 did not help either
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Has anybody faced a similar situation and/or has any idea on how to troubleshoot this?
Ignore. I just found out what was wrong: It's an issue with the Rich Editor plugin.
Everything works fine if I just use the Advanced Editor
Did you perhaps miss changing the rewritebase
Thank you for your suggestion Kaspar.
What would the rewritebase look like for a forum that's in a subdomain?
Please see the link, it tells you there and in the htaccess file