Most recent stable versions of php, mysql and mariadb for 3.3.


I built a new unix box running unbuntu server 22.4 and wanted to know what the most "recent" stable versions of php, mysql and mariadb that work with version 3.3.

Thank you.


  • ianw5555ianw5555
    edited May 2022

    Unfortunately vanilla will not run on PHP 8 or 8.1 yet so we are stuck with PHP 7.4 which will soon be EOL as will Vanilla if it doesn't get updated to accomodate the new faster and more secure versions of PHP. All the other free forum software has been PHP 8 abled for some time.

    Vannila used to pride itself on only being able to run on the latest versions of PHP, not now!

    On the upside, latest versions of mariaDB and mysql seem to work fine.

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