off the charts - crazy bonkers rabbit hole - root user passwd creation was never asked during instal

how somehting simple as installing a repository like flathub totally exhausted me and made me run for the hills.

I have to admit i'm pretty new to Linux, but i never thought that a seemingly user-friendly distro like vanilla OS would drive me crazy and I'm at wit's end.

utilizing youtube and several AI's, the maze turned into a swamp pushing me deeper and deeper to a point where I succumbed and will turn to another distro. But not before first explaining what happened. I'm clearly frustrated, but i don't want to spread bad blood to his beautiful community nor being disrespectful to all the hard working developers. here is the straw that the broke the camel's back:

to prove that flatpak was properly installed:

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ flatpak --version

Flatpak 1.14.0

1) installing flathub yielded an error:

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ /etc/flatpak/flatpakrc.

bash: /etc/flatpak/flatpakrc.: No such file or directory

2) creation of the flatpackrx yielded next error:

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ sudo touch /etc/flatpak/flatpakrc

touch: cannot touch '/etc/flatpak/flatpakrc': No such file or directory

3) granting permissions to directory:

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ sudo chmod 755 /etc/flatpak

chmod: cannot access '/etc/flatpak': No such file or directory

4) manually creating the directory:

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ sudo mkdir /etc/flatpak

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ sudo chown -R flatpak:flatpak /etc/flatpak

chown: invalid user: ‘flatpak:flatpak’

5) creating the flatpak group:

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ sudo groupadd flatpak

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ sudo chmod -R g+rwx /etc/flatpak

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ sudo chown -R flatpak:flatpak /etc/flatpak

chown: invalid user: ‘flatpak:flatpak’

6) reinitializing the group database:

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ sudo rm -rf /etc/group.lock /etc/group

[sudo] password for linuxindeed: 

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ sudo /usr/sbin/groupadd -r flatpak

linuxindeed is not in the sudoers file.

7) add the current user to the sudoers:

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ sudo visudo

linuxindeed is not in the sudoers file

8) unlocking the file:

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ sudo chmod +w /etc/sudoers

linuxindeed is not in the sudoers file.

9) creating new user with root privileges:

linuxindeed@vanilla:~$ sudo adduser newuser --root

linuxindeed is not in the sudoers file.

10) same error when trying the pkexec adduser command

when i was furhter suggested to rebuild the root user account, i yielded and thought, this is all just too much for someone who is trying to learn linux.

Anyways, I assume that I did sth wrong down the line, but I really don't have the time and fortitude to dive futher into this and hope that this might help the community for furture considerations.

Cheers and have a good day!

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