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Could a thread have more than one Category?



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    This is something I'd been thinking all day at work. Being able to post to multiple categories like I do on my wordpress blog. With the atom feed, you could write a script to make a blog out of the first post in every thread, but only certain categories... like, say... news since you can set permissions for certain categories, you are able to control who posts to your vanilla blog and who is restrained to the general forum and comments. You'd need to make these blog categories viewable by all though, instead of hidden, as they would be currently. Just some thoughts. If this keeps advancing the way I see it, I may not need wordpress anymore.
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    This is something that has always bothered me about vBulletin and IPB. Forums inside of forums are redundant and unnecessary. They are not natural ways to divide information. I'm glad to see that Vanilla has finally gotten out of that stupid "forum inside of forum" mindset and has categories which just lets you pick and chose what you want to see. That in itself is genius. But they one thing that could improve it further is multiple categories. I've always felt this would be a great addition to any forum. Let's say I have a forum about Videogames. Well, I post something related to Halo 3. I have both an Xbox forum and a Halo 3 forum. So where do I post it under? I mean, my thread is actually related to both topics. Multiple categories are just natural.
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    I agree. It brings the ideas of tags to forums. I would love this feature. I think I've chimed in earlier, but I really like the idea. It's broadened the way I organize, since I've started tagging my files on OS X with Spotlight tags, so I can search for them easily.

    This would make vanilla teh awesomes!
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    yeah tagging changed the way i organize things too...and searching for tags on spotlight is just awesome...since then i try to get everything i have in real life like documents and so on...converted to a digital form because then i am able to find it (i am just unable to find things which i ordered in strict categories...its just too hard to decide to which category it belongs...thats driving me crazy sometimes)
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    +1 to tagging - it is widely used the last weeks (mainly on cms/blogs I think)
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    seriously, i want all of my "stuff" in my apartment to be tagged. so i can search for "tv" somehow and it will show me where my remote is in my apartment. Now that would rock. Being able to just find everything.

    Hmm, now where did I leave the sock that goes with this other one....
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    lechlech Chicagoland
    /me tags his ears/eyes/brain for safety
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    I often wish when I was reading a newspaper I could press F3 and find the bit I was looking for. How handy would that be.
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    tagging is something i've been using a lot recently, with my blog and my links, it's really helped me categorize things better.

    definitely a v2 thing hopefully
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