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Tabled 0.3

edited April 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'll be using this thread to keep you updated about the "Tabled" theme.

Download: Tabled 0.3


  • Jazz, I just finished updating to the new version of Tabled as well as installing the Jaws Style. I love the style but seem to be having one problem. The view count on my Discussions page is out of whack. Check out the screenshot below to see what I'm talking about

    Free Image Hosting at
  • I'll download the extension and test it out ;)
  • Jazzman, I'm sure you're busy enough already but I was wondering if you've had any luck figuring out why this is happening?
  • Figured it out, but can't fix it. The default theme uses lists to render the discussion grid. As this theme uses tables, it doesn't work with extensions that add list items. It's up to the author of view count to change it.
  • Ah, so it could be fixed, it just needs a hacked view count extension.
  • Thanks for the update on this Jazz...
  • Version 0.3 now available!

    Made a few minor changes
    - Added Category_ID to DiscussionIcon class string so you can show icons based on category (see example)
    - Minor bug fix where the jump-to-item didn't work as it was outside the table tags
    - Updated the preview.gif

    Example using category icons:
  • Groovy theme. To my mind forums are one of those things where tables make complete sense (and I hate tables), so I think I'll take a look at this theme and see what it's like.

    Have you found it to be any quicker/slower or just about the same?
  • Speed is the same. Like the original theme, it loads and displays all discussion/comment/category properties which are hidden by the CSS. If you want to speed up things, you'll need to delete some of the code :)
  • OK, Jazzman, thanks for that :)
  • KrakKrak New
    edited January 2007
    I get some funky results when using this theme and Discussion Tags.

    click the link for an img
  • Re: speed... without looking at this theme's CSS, I just read this (which was news to me) and quite interesting.
    The CSS table-layout property allows you to fix the table layout so that the table renders much faster. Without the table-layout property, on large tables, users won't see any part of the table until the browser has rendered the whole table. This can give the impression that your page loads very slowly. On the other hand, if you use the table-layout property, users will see the top of the table while the browser loads and renders rest of the table. This gives the impression that the page loads a lot quicker.
  • Tabled theme Not working good with IE 7 - Tabbed browser - Any updates/help?
  • You have a screenie?
This discussion has been closed.