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Tagging mockups
This discussion has been closed.
There is low cost-of-entry in adding tags. Granted, they aren't always rationally entered either ...
I especially love the idea of selecting between community/my tags for this add-on.
In fairness to Toivo, I would say the jury is still out on the future of taxonomy for Web - more 'what' than 'whether'. If nothing else, this add-on will yield useful 'data' for its usage (or not) in Vanilla. It's not like tags are ... trackback ;-).
because we can all use it to establish a cute little SUBCATEGORY mechanism.
Might I also point your attention (especially Jazzman's ;D)) to this add-on idea (split
categories) that could be implemented as a search (filter) on particular tags, attached to
a separate tab:
(*) @ Toivo in general re: tags // Classification is a b*tch.
Research shows that depite a consisten taxonomy no two indexers (even professionals)
will classify a fixed set of objects the same way (books, toys, etc.)
Since an administrator can rarely pre-empt all 'useful categories' required to organize
the forums, the additional info provided by tags allows valuable insight into community-
perceived clusters.
@Jazz & Schiz
Schiz proposes a 'live search' mechanism which will reduce the variation in tags and
will add simplicity/user friendliness. I think that's a great idea.
Notwithstanding what I said to Toivo above, my IDEAL version of a tag-system would
allow me to LIMIT the user to a set of tags pre-defined in a config file, forcing them pick
from 'the most appropriate' tag from a small set of consistent tags (e.g. 3 dropdowns),
and perhaps leave ONE, short, empty field for them to enter 'missing' tags.
A limited set would make the database design a lot easier too I suspect (in my example
extend the comments table with three shortint fields each referring to the same "fixed
tag set" table, and one longint pointing to a table with the 'missing tag' set).
Over time the forum owner could consolidate oft-entered missing tags into the list of
'acceptable tags'.
While I can see the need to limit the users in such a way, I think it would be counterproductive. It forces users (although slightly) to abide by the classification already present. It also forced admins to periodically review tags for appropriateness.
There already is a specified way to give more popular tags favor on a topic: Maybe what you really need is to only show a tag if more than one user tagged a particular discussion with that tag?
Alternatively, one could add a mechanism that any tag entered into the "free" tag field would
be automatically entered into the list of "approved" tags if they received more than 10 hits (or
whatever arbitrary number) to reduce admin oversight, but...
Perhaps tagging should be limited to the TOPIC STARTER? (saves storage and DB joins for
In general I suspect tat *forcing* posters to pick none (note: NONE) or more tags from the
set will truly improve the quality/usefulness of the tags (they have to actually think about them).
After a couple of posts they will get USED to the limited 'approved' set and pick tags that truly
apply (or add tags that should really be added).
IMHO the "taggitis" Dan references is usually the result of inexperienced taggers or 'noob'
posters who have not yet adopted the community's 'established vocabulary'. I'm not 'hating'
on the new users, but I definitely detect a 'common vocabulary' amongst posters on these
forums and I know it takes a while to adapt...
In short: YES on the limited tags, YES on an open field, YES on limitations to new posters.
and if all of this is too complicated, just implement the thing I asked for Jazz (hehe)
All the hard work is already done, just have to integrate it.
Your sketch is the simplest interface and simple should always be preferred over complex... After all... if things don't work the simple way, we can always change it.
Related question: Are you sure you prefer 'comma-separated' over 'space-separated/double-quotes'
man, cow, kinky, united states
vsman cow kinky "united states"
- Single-word tags are most popular
- Omitted comma's group tags (much less useful, e.g. [kinky united states] )
- Omitted quotes split tags (slightly less useful, e.g. [kinky] [united] [states] )
@Wallphone: I intregrated that in this plugin :P Well.. I used Lussumo's coding style, but it will work the same