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i love the...

DeniedDenied New
edited 2005 23 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
rampant alcoholism intermingling with the bug reports, feature requests and hooraying about how good this place is on this forum.


  • i loveshyou too man
  • Bugs wouldn't be found if it wasn't for the drunks discovering all those freakishly cool pink elephants! fuck I have a headache...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I am so frickin loaded right now. Seriously.
  • w00w00! im still pounding down the remaining ale before hitting the sack! watched a bunch of good movies, how's about you?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    My parents took my wife and I out for dinner in celebration of the house we bought today. Then I hooked up with some friends at a house party. Then we went to a bar and did some shooters. Then I climbed a wall on the main drag and fell off (almost crakcing my skull open) then we wen tto a biker bar and did some more shooters. Tehen we went to a pub for some more shooters and drinks. then a buddy visiting from Toronto convinced me to share a cab home. Just walked in and I'm considering maknig some food and watching amoovie.l
  • I recommend constantine or the machinist if you haven't already seen either. I thought constantine was going to suck, but i was rather impressed. That or I was too drunk to notice. I still have primer but im saving that one for the "sober-up" feature film when I decide to wake up.
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    machinst was good, until i realised it was just another fight-club wannabe. dissapointing but still worth watching....
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've seen both the machinist and constantine. Primer blows them both out of the water. I seriously fucking loved primer. An amazing movie. A lot of people thought it was too "cerebral", but I thought about it for weeks afterwards. I might just watch it tonight while I eat my hangover cure.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Oh, and for the record, I enjoyed both constantine and the machinist thoroughly.
  • It was good, not so much fight-club as I thought it would be, but I was thinking it after the first 5 minutes without knowing much about the movie going in. It was pretty original and Bale just looked like total shit, all of us were like "whoa!".
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    bing! this gives a good idea for a vanilla forum... movie discussion... yes.... would be cool...
  • Suprising as it may be. I have grown to slightly hate movies over time since I was working as a projectionist. That and hollywood has been pumping out 99% crap lately.
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    I can imagine dude, both my flatmates used to work in the local arthouse theatre here and got pretty sick of flicks as well. subscribe to one of those dvd-by-mail things now, 30,000+ movies on demand, no need to watch any hollywood drivel!
  • Yep, I guess the theater I worked for was considered somewhat of an exclusive arthouse as well. as a result, I don't watch much TV or go to see movies. It's usually one of those "top 5 movies of the year actually worth watching" events for me.
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