YellowFade for NonDefault Vanilla Theme 3 Theme

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there anyway to get the YellowFade addon to work with other themes? I am using a World of Warcraft Theme and would really like to use this addon, but can't at the moment!


  • How about changing the yellow fade? I like what it does but would like it in another color. Ive tried but looks to be a pain in the ass.
  • edited November 2006
    I'd also like to know how to change the color. edit: I see how now looking at the js. It wasn't obvious at first, but now I see.
  • can you post what you figured out?
  • edited July 2007
    Yeah, I'd like the Yellowfade to be a different color, too. I don't know where to focus my attention to change it though. I see the color code in the js, but I'm not sure what I would have to do in order to change the color correctly.
  • Oh, nevermind. I figured it out. It's a lot easier than it looks. You just have to edit the way the colors are set up in the js file To get mine to fade from WHITE to PINK, I switched the double digits to four digits and set the base color to a double digit. It completes the hex color code basically. mine looks like this: FadeSteps = new Array(); FadeSteps[1] = "ffff"; FadeSteps[2] = "eeff"; FadeSteps[3] = "ddff"; FadeSteps[4] = "ccff"; FadeSteps[5] = "bbff"; FadeSteps[6] = "aaff"; FadeSteps[7] = "99ff"; FadeSteps[8] = "99ff"; FadeSteps[9] = "aaff"; FadeSteps[10] = "bbff"; FadeSteps[11] = "ccff"; FadeSteps[12] = "ddff"; FadeSteps[13] = "ffff"; FadeSteps[14] = "ffff"; FadeSteps[15] = "ffff"; FadeSteps[16] = "eeff"; FadeSteps[17] = "ddff"; FadeSteps[18] = "ccff"; FadeSteps[19] = "bbff"; FadeSteps[20] = "aaff"; FadeSteps[21] = "99ff"; FadeSteps[22] = "99ff"; FadeSteps[23] = "aaff"; FadeSteps[24] = "bbff"; FadeSteps[25] = "ccff"; FadeSteps[26] = "ddff"; FadeSteps[27] = "eeff"; FadeSteps[28] = "ffff"; and the base: var target = document.getElementById(targetId); if (target) { = "#ff" + FadeSteps[colorId]; it used to look like this: var FadeSteps = new Array(); FadeSteps[1] = "ff"; FadeSteps[2] = "ee"; FadeSteps[3] = "dd"; FadeSteps[4] = "cc"; FadeSteps[5] = "bb"; FadeSteps[6] = "aa"; FadeSteps[7] = "99"; FadeSteps[8] = "99"; FadeSteps[9] = "aa"; FadeSteps[10] = "bb"; FadeSteps[11] = "cc"; FadeSteps[12] = "dd"; FadeSteps[13] = "ee"; FadeSteps[14] = "ee"; FadeSteps[15] = "ee"; FadeSteps[16] = "ee"; FadeSteps[17] = "dd"; FadeSteps[18] = "cc"; FadeSteps[19] = "bb"; FadeSteps[20] = "aa"; FadeSteps[21] = "99"; FadeSteps[22] = "99"; FadeSteps[23] = "aa"; FadeSteps[24] = "bb"; FadeSteps[25] = "cc"; FadeSteps[26] = "dd"; FadeSteps[27] = "ee"; FadeSteps[28] = "ff"; base: var target = document.getElementById(targetId); if (target) { = "#ffff" + FadeSteps[colorId]; I hope this helps. I dont know a better way to illustrate it. You just have to mess with the colors to get your desired result. Maybe someone who is better with this stuff can clean up my explanation and make it simpler.
  • thx! this helped me to change the color ... merci
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