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Refresh o matico with ajax

edited October 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
as the topic allerady said autorefresh "discussions"/categories/posts - every X seconds"

probably with an enable/disable feature for all users and a global-enable/disable function for the admin (if your bandwith can't handle to many users)

this would give "possibilities" for a realtime forum image if you like


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    ajax uses e.g. txt/log-files for writing/reading information. vanilla uses the mysql-db :-) "oh, okay - fix it" - i think it's not easy, because refreshing the diskussions/posts etc. every x seconds produces much database traffic. it's an idea for forums with a small amount of users. therfore it's not interesting for a forum (i think). correct me, if i'm wrong, jan
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    yeah its a question of a strong server or the amount of users , thats why this should be scalable .
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