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edited August 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

Okay Mark, as a simple exercise I thought I'd port SmartyPants as another extension for Vanilla. And it was fairly painless. However, because I don't understand your system well enough I need a couple of pointers.

I built it based on Markdown, but as I expected, when I installed and enabled it, it behaved in the same manner as the other editing "modes" -- in other words, you can only toggle between Markdown, HTML, SmartyPants, and so forth.

SmartyPants should really be enabled simply as a boolean filter, and it should filter the post only after any of the above extensions make their pass.


Thanks, Doug


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    kudos kudos
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I'm hesitant to allow any formatters to work overtop of existing formatters. I just know that people will come back crying about bugs even though it's their fault for implementing wacky formatters together.
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    In the case of something like SmartyPants, you'd have to let the comment formatter do its thing first. I don't consider SP to be a formatter per se, all it does is look for certain characters, and tokens like '--' (converts to an em dash). The problem is, Markdown for instance, uses some of these same tokens. See what I'm saying? Personally, a hook into the system that allows you to filter comments after any formatter does its bit would be very powerful.

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    definitely.. id really like to see that feature
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I stand by my statement that if I implement this feature, it will cause more headaches than anything. But if you guys really want it, I'll do it.
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    Really want it. Because allowing this would of course other post format filters. It would be nice to have post format and pre-format filters.

    SmartyPants, Smilies, some sort of censoring plugin, etc..would all be examples of these filters.
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It sounds fantastic, doesn't it? *waits for the bug reports to roll in*
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    I was thinking about this issue over the weekend. Why should you be responsible for 3rd party plugins? If the author knows what they're doing, they'll write quality code and test it. If there's a problem, they should provide feedback and bug fixes. Otherwise, it's open-source software. Fix it yourself, give something back to the community. Or piss on it, just remove the extension.

    Off topic: I want to know who's been searching Google for:

    Lussumo Vanilla intitle:sign in

    and how the hell does loadaverageZero come up before this site? Baffles me. Google does some strange things with indexing.

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