link color challenge

edited October 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

We all know that the best link color is blue for unvisited links, purple for visited ones, and red for hovers and active. however, I have this red website (in russian), which is all in red including links. Right now, I have this:
a:link{ text-decoration: underline; color: #c70102; background-color: inherit} a:visited { color: #CC6666; text-decoration: underline; background-color: inherit } a:hover { text-decoration: none; background-color: inherit; color: #FF0000}

however visited links are pale. Could you please advise me on the color of the visited links. First i wanted to turn off underlining for them, but them i realized that logically all links should be underlined. So right now i have this color problem.

any ideas on the color would be appreciated .. thanks


  • KrakKrak New
    edited October 2006
    They are pale because that is the color you chose, #CC6666 looks like a pinkish red (to me anyways). I also don't see much of a difference between the link and the hover colors.

    I cant see your site, the server gives me an error, so without looking I'd say try something like:
    a:link { color: #AD0000; /* A slightly darker red */ text-decoration: underline; background-color: inherit; } a:visited { color: #6F0000; /* An even darker red */ text-decoration: underline; background-color: inherit; } a:hover { color: #FF0000; /* Red */ text-decoration: none; background-color: inherit; }
  • oops... i have fixed the error and now the site is functioning...

    thanks .. i will try your colors, Krak
  • edited October 2006
    U have tons of them that do not end with a semicolon
  • Having a:visited { color: #CC6666; text-decoration: underline; background-color: inherit } is okay, you only need semi-colons to separate style rules.
  • yeah.. the last style rule does not need a semicolon couse it is not followed by another style rule...

    i have applied your colors Krak, except for the unvisited link color... looks fine, thanks... anyway i had a problem with visited links color...

    check it out

    Thanks all, and especially Krak
  • where should I find these codes?
    In which page?
    Thank you.
  • Search for <link rel="stylesheet"... in HTML header source.
    So, you'll find css paths that one is using.
    E.G. /applications/dashboard/design/style.css
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