Warning: Undefined property - with PHP 4.1.2

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've just set up a copy of Vanilla at http://a-story.dbwebdesign.net/forum/ and I'm getting a whole host of error messages. These 4 appear to be on most pages, and some pages bring others into the fray too: Warning: Undefined property: Scripts in /www/a-story.co.uk/www/forum/controls/Common.Controls.php on line 319 Warning: Undefined property: StyleSheets in /www/a-story.co.uk/www/forum/controls/Common.Controls.php on line 324 Warning: Undefined property: String in /www/a-story.co.uk/www/forum/library/Utility.Writer.class.php on line 18 Warning: Undefined property: Strings in /www/a-story.co.uk/www/forum/controls/Common.Controls.php on line 356 The obligatory PHP Info page can be found at http://dbwebdesign.net/info and yes, that does say 4.1.2. I'm guessing that's what's causing the issues, but thought it worth checking anyway. Also, if that is what's causing the issues then I guess mark would appreciate knowing what versions of PHP Vanilla chokes on. Anyway, suggestions to fix it (other than upgrade, I'm working on that, but my sysadmin knowledge ain't as good as it could (should?) be) would be greatly appreciated.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Posting to update the timestamp.
  • There are about 400,000 security issues and general bugs that have been fixed in the 3 minor revisions since 4.1.2. I would wager there's nothing you could do except upgrade, and even there was it would be strongly recommended to upgrade anyway.
  • domdom
    edited July 2005
    Nah, I've tried that to no avail. `apt-get dist-upgrade` wants to remove an even more amazing 80 packages, including many things that i would deam as essential, so that's a no no as well! I understand that I need to upgrade, and I am working on doing so (as mentioned above) but I was hoping there was a way to get Vanilla working in the mean time. edit: this should be at the bottom of the comments, but the timestamp fun put it here!
  • Yeah, I'm trying to tackle the upgrade thing, but `apt-get install php4` has decided it needs to remove about 35 things, including mysql-server, which has me understandably concerned. Hence I'm waiting to get hold of someone knowledgeable before doing anything rash.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I guess your version of php handles classes a little differently. I always say that upgrading is not the answer. I can probably fix this for the next release (hopefully late tonight or early tomorrow morning).
  • what's up with the "22 hours" thing btw?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Oh wierd. I didn't even notice that. I haven't made any changes. I'll have to do some digging.
  • edited July 2005
    Upgrading is the answer though. What's the point in fixing for broken versions of PHP when it's silly for users of such versions not to upgrade?

    dom, can you not just apt-get -u upgrade?
  • I'm guessing that you didn't manage to find a fix for this in the upgrade, given that I am now running it and still have the same issues. Time to find people who can help me upgrade without trashing my system!
  • I'm in the same boat - PHP 4.12 and no plans to upgrade - too much running on the server. if anyone finds out a way to get this ot work on 4.12, let me know.

  • you should be able to upgrade fairly painlessly from php 4.12 to 4.x...
  • I ended up reformatting my system after everyone's response to the issue was "omgwtf, we don't know what it's doing". So, I am now the proud owner of a shiny PHP 4.3, and thus not suffering from this. Upgrading to a new version is generally pretty painless. At worst, a manual upgrade will only take a teeny bit of knowledge and an hour or two (plus copious backups, just in case ^^).
  • If you are using 4.1.2, you need to initialize these variables in the class definitions.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I could have sworn that bug was fixed. I know for a fact that I changed that code. If anyone else is getting these errors, please say so now.
  • Hey Mark, I just downloaded last night and had the errors so have been going through initializing them as I see the warning pop up throughout the app.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited August 2005
    dammit. Rather than changing the source yourself (or as well as), could you record them somewhere and then pass them my way? There is no reason why that shouldn't be in the next rev of Vanilla, but I can't duplicate, so I don't know what to fix.
  • OMG, I cant believe I didnt see this when I searched. :( So I started another thread. http://lussumo.com/community/comments.php?DiscussionID=897&page=1#Item_14 Should have looked harder I guess... I got the newest Vanilla, and get the same errors, also running PHP 4.1.2... I might be able to get my server admin to upgrade if thats what I must do but, how do I fix this? It sounds like there is a work around? Initializing something? Where/how do I do that?
  • Got it fixed, just updated PHP, was at 4.1.2 now is 4.3.10-15... Problems gone....
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