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deleting a user

edited 2006 02 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
first up, I know you're not really supposed to "delete" users, I fully agree with this from a database integrity point of view, but what if I've just created a couple of test users, and now I don't want them any more? Can I just do: DELETE FROM LUM_User WHERE UserID = xx ? or do I need to hit any other tables?


  • There's a function in one of the People classes that deletes users and traces of them designed for when an applicant is rejected - that should help you out.
  • edited 2006 02
    cool, thanks Mini it's People.Class.UserManager.php and the function is RemoveApplicant($UserID)
  • That's the one.
  • ok sounds good I am in the same boat.
    Im a bit of a newbie to php how would i use this method/function to delete a user?

  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    The quick and dirty way to do this is to write a line into one of the admin files that manually calls this function, and then delete it once you've visited that page once.

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