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Empty forum when opening to public. Filled when signing in.

edited November 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've recently decided to make the forum that I set up to be public from the app. settings, but upon going to the boards all the discussions and posts are no longer there except records of the users. You can only view the discussions and posts if you sign in. How would I get around this? I didn't have issues before with the public being able to see everything in previous Vanilla releases. Thanks!


  • Looks like you're missing the Categories. Are the users set up to see the categories?
  • You need to enable all the categories for the Unauthenticated role.
  • Yeah, there's only one category and I just checked who's allowed to view it. Unauthenticated is checked. Hmmm...
  • I just noticed the forum is viewable when allowing the "banned" and "douchbags" permission to see it. But, it doesn't function when it's just the "unauthenticated." A bit strange I guess?
  • Is authenticated top of your roles list?
  • edited November 2006
    It's on the bottom actually. Should it be at the top?
  • I think so. Assuming administrator is on the it?
  • Yes, the admin role is on the bottom as well above unauthenticated. I'll make the changes and let you know if it works.
  • Hmm, putting unauthenticated on the top doesn't make a difference. I've noticed that discussions are only viewable to the public when "banned" members are allowed to view it. This is strange.
  • I thought that behaviour had been changed, but it's not really very strange. It's impossible to prevent banned users from viewing discussions if you want to allow guests to view them since it cant tell if a guest is just a banned user (who cant log in for obvious reasons) so you have to give banned permission to view aswell (it makes no odds anyway).
  • edited November 2006
    Yeah alright that makes sense. Thanks for the help Mini and Jim!
This discussion has been closed.