Textile 2.0 support?

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

I noticed that Textile 2.0 was released around October 18th and wondered what steps are necessary to include Textile 2 support into Vanilla 1?

From the announcement:

Major changes since earlier versions include:

* New bc., pre. and notextile. block modifiers
* Extended block syntax (bc..)
* A new TextileRestricted feature for handling untrusted user input (comment forms, forums etc)
* Better “smart quotes” behaviour
* Improved handling of complex class/language/id/style syntax
* Much better escaping and handling of code, pre and notextile blocks
* New [*foo*] square bracket feature allows Textile syntax without surrounding whitespace
* Localizable punctuation
* Improved CSS hooks for style junkies (classes on caps, footnotes, etc)
* Improvements to code maintainability
* Too many bug fixes to list


  • edited November 2006
    You might just have to use this extension: http://lussumo.com/addons/?PostBackAction=AddOn&AddOnID=35 And replace the classTextile.php file with the new one.
  • yep, Dinoboff is right. I'll update the add-on soon, I've just been waiting for the bugfixes to settle down. Alex (from thresholdstate) has made several revisions to classtextile.php on the textpattern SVN in the last couple of weeks and I saw no sense in upgrading the add-on every few days with the latest version. Give it a week or so to quieten down, then I'll look at it. The new textile restricted instead of textile light might be the appropriate form for Vanilla comments.
  • What's the state of affairs?
  • Now if they can make a textpattern one!
  • Textile 2.0 update just added.

    addicted: Textile 2.0 is part of txp 4.04 already.
  • What about Vanilla2 Textile support? Maybe someone is working on a plugin?
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