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Styles problem

edited November 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I upload the styles to the "themes" folder. And when I gonna change style (which I do in the theme tab) it says: Failed to open the styles directory. Please ensure that PHP has read access to the /home/user/wwwroot/ directory.


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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    First of all, it doesn't sound like you uploaded your styles to the correct place. For instance, on my installation locally I've got two styles. The default one and "Scene 1.0". Here is the path I take to get to the vanilla.css in each of them:


    From the sounds of it, you dumped your new style directly in the "themes" folder. So, it might be that you don't understand the difference between a theme and a style in Vanilla.

    A theme is a set of xhtml templates that are used by Vanilla to display content. Each "theme" can have various styles. Each style can only apply to one theme for obvious reasons (the same css would look very wierd on different xhtml).

    So, the theme folder first contains each of the themes available. Currently there are only two that I can think of - the default one and the one made by jazzman available through the add-ons site. Most of the styles on the add-ons site will apply to the default theme, called "Vanilla"

    The "Vanilla" theme, located here:


    contains a styles folder. That styles folder is where all of the different sets of css files for that theme will go.

    Once you are sure you have the css files in the correct place, then go and try again. If it still fails with a permission error, then I guess you actually have a permission error.
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    edited November 2006
    Thank you for clearing that up Mark. I can change permissions now. Sweet.
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