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PostgreSQL support? SQL Lite, Oracle?

edited 2006 20 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello the Vanilla team and Mark. Do you guys planning to add PostgreSQL support, Oracle Support and SQL Lite support? I prefer PostgreSQL over MYSQL and I would love to use it with Vanilla.


  • All the sql classes are seperated (i believe) with the intention that porting vanilla to run on different back ends is as easy as possible. There was a set of sqllite classes knocking around but i dont know if theyre still up to date. Postgres has never been done but as i say if you're php savvy it shouldnt be too difficult.
  • edited 2006 20
    I just posted a patch for this. Check out the discussion.
  • Kordless that is awesome! Nice work! Contact Mark ASAP so you can work together for an official PostegreSQL version. More databases support for Vanilla = nice!
This discussion has been closed.