Integrate Vanilla to a page (Wordpress)

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello. How to integrate Vanilla into a Wordpress page? Maybe I have to shrink the size of the forum then. Is there anyone working on Wordpress and Vanilla integration?


  • I am, but it is not complete yet. In the past I have successfully converted phpbb themes into wordpress.
  • I did this last year but stupidly deleted the files when the forum stopped running. Sorry. It's not hard though if your'e used to customising WP themese :)
  • Hate to "hijack" this thread but i have integrated vanilla into wp (both the users and vanilla into wp theme). This is my question to you guru's: at (if you view the source), you will see that i have 2 head and body tags. How did you all overcome this?
  • Devlounge have a artikel about integrate Vanilla into your Wordpress, greets, werner
  • Thaks but that is so old and does not apply to my integration
  • Nice, but it is maybe outdated.
  • Did anyone figure out how to make this a wordpress page? I've seen it done, but I have no clue.
  • This has been discussed in another thread. I put Vanilla in an iframe. Do a search here on iframe.
  • edited May 2008
    i was just wondering if anyone has tried this recently. i know this is a very old thread, but perhaps it will jog the memories of the people who replied. edit: looks like i'm not alone
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