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Comment Protection and Vanilla 1.0.1

edited November 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm having some trouble with this, and am hoping you folks might have some ideas. Basically, I download it from the Add-ons section here: then upload it, enable it in the Extension menu, and nothing happens. settings.php is writeable by the web server, and plenty of other extensions are putting stuff in there. I never see 'block user' or 'block comment'. If I go and put COMMENT_PROTECTION_SETUP in settings.php and set it to something, I get all manner of errors from default.php and other parts of the framework. I'm guessing there's some really obvious step I'm missing. Any ideas? Is there a newer version? Some control panel or configuration I'm totally overlooking? Thanks...


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    First, you need to put it back in the extensions folder. Then, do you have any discussions and comments on your forum?
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    Yes. I have discussions and comments.. I've tried disabling all extension except for this one. No luck. What am I supposed to see when I enable it? Anything as far as the table being added to the DB and such?
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    You only see the 2 items mentioned (block user and block comment) in the comment display. So, you don't see that, correct? You should see what you see here on the forum next to the permalink choice.
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    Right. I don't see either one :( It's like the extension doesn't exist. I thought maybe there's a config menu or something I need to activate. I'm also having trouble getting Saved Searches to work at all. Maybe related? On the other hand, I believe I've solved the longstanding BBCode list issue for ordered and unordered lists, so I'm ahead on the game tonight..
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    I believe the problem lies with Firefox ( Functionality appears to work fine with it. Enabling the extension though didn't work. It did take with IE6. Ditto for Saved Searches.
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    Arent both of those extensions written by Mark and running on the community here? It's strange you'd have any problems with them. They sure work in Firefox for me.
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    Yeah. It's something I should have picked up on and tested out earlier. The functionality is fine in Firefox. Something with checking the boxes in the Extensions menu and events firing and everything to enable or install the extensions is not working, at least with my installation, security settings, etc. Glad it's only those two..
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