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Migrator AWAY from Vanilla?

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello there,

While I'm loathe to say it, I'm having to move one of my sites away from this software. It's not down to the software itself, more with our luddite user base as over the months we've had Vanilla running, we've been losing users left right and center because of all the various 'We don't like change' excuses.

Unfortunately, I can't find anything, anywhere which will convert a Vanilla database to anything else. Does anyone know of an already existing tool, or would be able to tell me if it would be a relativley easy process just to reverse one of the current converters?

Ideally I'm looking to convert to a vBulletin setup, but I'm happy to go via something like phpbb if needs be. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Think you're gonna be a fish swimming upstream round these parts dude!
  • Oh no doubt about it mate, but if you don't ask you'll never know... :)
  • Reversing an existing migrator is probably the easiest option, but you'd need to be pretty handy with PHP i imagine. Have you tried switching to jazzmans 'tabled' theme, using the discussion overview extension, and putting a few other crappy (no offence to the extension authors, i just mean crappy as in 'reflects functions of crappy BB software') extensions on to try and make them feel more at home?
  • Also have you considered, which is xhtml/css based but still a hella-lot nicer than phpbb!
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