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Alternate class on index page

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've got the comments (discussion) pages to alternate colours using the .Alternate class. However, the main forum listing is not picking up the class and doesn't alternate the colours. Can anyone suggest why that might be?


  • Do you mean when a person is logged it? Also, what style are you using?
  • Be sure to keep track of the !important attributes. You may need to add !imporatnt to your .Alternate class.
  • i'm using a slightly modified version of the default, but nothing major has changed. i tried adding !important to .Alternate but it made no difference. it's really odd - maybe there is an extension conflict somewhere.
  • @jimw: yes, when a person is logged in.
  • The only other thing I can think of is to double-check your order of elements in the stylesheet and make your CSS specificity is enough to override the other styles.
  • I looked in my default Vanilla css and don't see the Alternate or alt class. I found the following in the css I use: #Categories li.Alternate { background-color: #ddeaf0; } #Comments li.Alternate { background-color: #e4ffbf; } Maybe this will help you.
  • thanks jimw. it still doesn't have any effect on the discussion page but i think the solution must be similar to what you posted.
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